Sunday, April 25, 2010

Perfectly in love

I was the smiling little girl everything went easy for the audiences’ eyes
tears never came out of my eyes…pain never showed in my face
But the back stage was dark, shadows roamed here and there..
No one saw me crying into the curtains all worn out…

On a one holy month they gave me a new chapter
I was the heroine and u were the prince charming
Sun started to shine so the days become brighter
true smiles drew in my face despite the make up

never realized how lonely I felt till you came along
never thought that I’d fall everyday so deeply
but now I know how greedy I am for ur touch
oh now I know that heaven is inside your arms

True it’s the beginning of our first episode
my fingers are carving to get hold of the full script
where mirrors will break down and shadows will still dwell
but I’ll be alright ‘cause I have you here with me

Audience may cheer they may cry they may get bored..
but all that matters to me now is that
I live, I smile and I love, this is the story of our lives
where we write every dialogue and we mean every moment

here we are just anther two imperfect lovers
but unlike any other perfectly in love.

One last request

Her fingers ran through the bars of the window
Disappointment, clearly written on her face
she looked down, at her own shadow
relieved, she felt looking at her own dark figure

Salty, it tasted for all these years
fire, she felt with every breath she took
weary; of looking for things far gone
trough the bars she gave one last look

Struggling to come out, burning inside
ghosts of her memories growling with madness
alone, as no one care to stand beside
gone, far away the ones who cared

Wild she felt, Desperate to let out,
cried out loud, screamed till throat burns
no one heard, no one bothered to look around
she let out her one last breath

Grasping her bleeding heart, she murmured
one last request which no one heard
“you who didn’t shed a tear with me…
do not shed tears for me when I can not”

Monday, February 15, 2010

is it The End?

I met you

when I needed a friend

I kept my faith...
hoped and dreamt
lived in a dreamland
enchanted by ur charms...

I was numb
for not to realize
that I danced on ur tune…
I was the puppet u used
to let out ur warth...
from the foes
I did not know…

You hit me behind my back
you stabbed my bleeding heart
not once…
not twice…
you quenched ur thirst
from my blood...

victorious u are
from my own faults
for its me
who ran behind fairy lights
when all the stars were shining for me
for I was blindfolded
by ur charm
by ur sweet words
to see
the evil behind a innocent mask.

Pity for the innocent lives
ur about to haunt ..
for I know you now..

so it ended..
with the cup of glory in ur hand

but is it the end?

Hairy heart.

He was the warlock, blessed and charming..
She was the princess, cursed but loving..
Fate let them meet, on an untrodden path
happiness and smiles he gave to her life
days with hopes, smiles and love….

Beware my friends, this ain’t a fairy tale..

so came the midnight, the princess had to leave..
‘Cause fairy gifts doesn’t last forever..

Warlock he was with the broken heart…
but still enjoyed the ball… though he searched..
for the princess in long lost dessert..
he quenched his thirst from the mirages on the way..

Tired from searching, his heart became hairy..
Grown strange from the long exile…
blind and savaged in the darkness..
Grown strong and love can heal..

Eager to see her love.. breaking all the spells…
princess came back to the castle..

oh beware my friends, this ain’t a fairy tale

The hairy heart could see her love no more
she didn’t have to climb the stairs, to realize the truth..
So she took the shoe from the stair, just the way it has left..
Without leaving any clue to track her down..
If any spell heals his heart…
she’ll be gone..No more forgotten shoes of hope..

Leaving the warlock in the ball..
Leaving him with maids..From far away lands..
She left the castle and the hairy heart..
Keeping her memories.. Close to her heart..
to the untrodden village.. where she belongs..
just to find her fairy is gone..

Told u my friends..this ain’t a fairy tale..
happily ever after is not the end.

Potion of love

I took the goblet from his hand
Filled it with blood of my own
two spoons of sorrows
cup of happiness
one drop of tear
a cauldron full of blood….
of his own,
willingly given.

I stirred till the cauldron cries
filled it to the goblet
took a sip…

there goes the fire down
the sensation…
the temptation…

Oh at last
I took the potion of love!

Dancing with triumph…flying in madness
my lips were calling for his name

“where are you my love…?
Look I took the potion…
now I feel ur love…”

Through the tears of my glory
I saw the soul of my love…
leaving the cold body at my feet…
in a river of his own blood
Shed for my name…

Sunday, February 14, 2010

I Need You

I looked for you...


Your shoulders to cry
your kind words of courage
your love to live

Until I came across
with the so cold truth

you have gone
gone forever...
leaving me alone

yet i feel you...
yet i want you...
because our bond

unbreakable and so sacred

so here i am...
trying to draw your picture
on the sand
as the waves comes and touch my feet

how much i wish
u can be that wave
and hug me tight

i want to be in your secure hands
want to listen to ur heart beat
want to feel your love
at this very moment

wish u can hear me
coz i need you
i need you
more than ever...


I have two eyes
to stare at your's
and solve the mysterious riddles
behind them..

I have two ears
to listen
to ur fragile voice
which trickles my ear drums...

I have two hands
to hold you tight
and never let go......

I have two legs
to walk with you
in this journey called life.....

I have one heart
to beat with your heart
to the melody of love.....

I do not have you..

Been with you and I’ll be with you

I can’t remember how u ran around
with ur tiny feet
and letting me to chase
I can’t remember how ur tiny fingers touched my face
and smiled at me
with your sparkling little eyes
I can’t remember hearing ur little voice
calling for my name
I can’t remember those sweet days
for I wasn’t there with u……

Yet he couldn’t keep us apart..he who stole the ones I loved
no more could see my sorrows..
‘coz u came along.. bit late..but never too late
So here we are..
Fighting for slightest things but forgotten end of the day..
Sharing our sorrows and laughter like two best friends..
Laughing at the way fate plays with our hearts yet challenging it..

So here I say..
Thanks for the moments you gave me
for the seconds you have been with me..
Been with you and I’ll be with you
forever: holding the light
to show u the way..
‘coz when u talk I hear that voice
‘coz when u smile I see that face
of my little brother..

The Lost One

Once upon a time, heroes we were
knights among peasants of king’s land
Time filled with life, till the battle came inline
we vow, “fight till death die as one”

here I am standing in a battlefield
looking towards the fallen heroes
No weapons in my hand
No armors to save me from foes

I see the victorious going towards the horizon
I hear the chants, they say I belong with them
no one to look back, unlock the shackles
shield me till I get on to my horse

so here I am standing
looking towards the sun of victory
desperate to find my white horse
wondering to decipher one riddle,

am I the Lost One?